About Unique at Penn

“Unique at Penn” focuses on materials held by Penn which are in some sense “unique” –  drawn from both our special and circulating collections, whether a one-of-a-kind medieval manuscript or a twentieth-century popular novel with generations of student notes penciled inside.

Writers for “Unique at Penn” cover the spectrum of those who work with special collections: from curators who acquire and exhibit material, to catalogers and processors who make material accessible to researchers, to faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduates who teach and learn from the material, to readers across the globe whose research changes the way we understand the world in which we live.

The materials discussed in “Unique at Penn can be found via Franklin (and guides to archival collections can be found at the Philadelphia Area Archives Research Portal), but this blog provides an opportunity to highlight the stories discovered during work and use of the material—the stories which are often hidden in boxes and folders or in between pages of a volume.

“Unique at Penn”  welcomes contributions from anyone who interacts with our “unique” material.  If you are a faculty member, graduate student, undergraduate, fellow, or a reader who has experience with our collections and want to share their knowledge with the world,  please email the editor Holly Mengel (hmengel@upenn.edu).

For those interested the header image on the blog is taken from the 1749 “Constitutions of the Publick Academy in the City of Philadelphia” one of the founding documents of the University of Pennsylvania.

The conclusions and views presented on “Unique at Penn” reflect that of their writers and do not represent the official position of the University of Pennsylvania or the University of Pennsylvania Libraries.